So it seems I have had this quiet little thing going for two years now. I am as shocked as you are. I even missed the "anniversary". Seems it was officially the 10th of September 2006 this accidental blog started but no matter. Though I took no notice last year, I normally use the beginnings and endings of these annual cycles to review and take stalk; to see where I've come from and where I wanna go. So you are being taken along for the ride. Keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times please. Enjoy.
Today I received a link to the blog my friend recently started. It is nicely organized, sticks to a theme and is consistently filled with useful and interesting information.
Check it out.
So here I am two years into my blog and upon seeing my friend's boffo (yes, I said boffo) site I am wondering if I should be getting my act together.
Should I get a theme and stick to it? I had assumed a theme would organically evolve...but as I reflect the only theme I see is me talking about my life which is hardly out of the norm for me or, I would think, of any particular interest to anyone who doesn't know me. But I might just be being harsh. So let's say I have a theme-of sorts.
Should I fill my entries with useful information? Apart from my last entry where I alerted all non-pirates to International Talk Like a Pirate Day I don't think I have advised, directed or alerted anyone to much of use, per say. I suppose I could begin doing that but where would I start and where would it end? I see the word "Theme" floating to the surface again. Shoo, you silly constructive thought. Well I am a writer and I do like that subject and know where to find info on getting published. I could add those things in. And I
am a knitting fool so I could put more of that in, which I haven't much up until now.
Should I be more consistent? I have thus far attempted to make a minimum of one entry a month. I figure that is not taxing and if I write two or three then I am suddenly super productive! You gotta like that feeling. But maybe one a week wouldn't be too much of a strain. If I started to feel behested (not a word? not a problem) I could always ease off. It's not like anyone will fire me if I shirk.
Well alright then.
Okay, Q. Public, you are witness to my second anniversary resolution. I hereby declare that I will write one entry a week. I will include a minimum of one useful or interesting link per month (any suggestions on subject matter welcome). But I have reserved the right to NOT choose a theme apart from whatever it is I have been doing thus far.
Let's see how this goes.
Does this count as my first weekly entry?