Well hell. Since October life has taken a turn or two. Lets see.
1. Our newly bought and moved into duplex caught on fire and had to be put out, dried out, repaired and moved back into. That took about two months. And endless stress and anguish. Strictly speaking the repairs are not complete but we are waiting until we can open widows before doing the sanding and repainted of our place downstairs.
2. Not sure if I mentioned in the last post that I started doing translation work from home (and during the fire saga on the road). That has been going well, I could only wish for slightly more work at the moment. Otherwise it makes me happy.
3. The nipper is walking, running, talking (some), singing, jumping, dancing, hollering... you get the picture. But still not sleeping in her own room or fully weaned. Working on it.
4. J finally finished school and started working. Horrah! He feels tired alot but is working muscles he forgot he had. And it looks like there will be no dry spells as folks are throwing jobs at him and his shop-mates.
5. I recently got back in touch with Christopher. He came over, we had tea, chatted about music, food, writing. It was cool. It was nice. We plan to do it again.
6. Allison, my last remaing female friend in the city is moving to cape Cod to marry her Bostonian boy. Selfishly it makes me grumble. But of course I wish her happiness.
7. I have a new story simmering nicely. It's a kids book, and of course, the Monkey is the main character.
8. I have been cooking and cleaning... ALOT! Hey Shel, I think I'm a house wife!
... That's the big stuff. Most other things like knitting, the dog, friends (what few still live in the same city), relations with the mother-in-law, plant care, brothers et al, dreams of travel are all same-old-same-old. Fine but no change.
So...There. I think I am more or less caught up.
I'm not really sure why I felt I should, I mean it's not like anybody reads this...
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